Links: My OTHER Other Job

Some of you may know that in addition to trumpet playing, designing things, and pestering people to attend my gigs, I am also an extremely amateur internet humorist (FYI: comedians make you laugh, while humorists make you smile condescendingly).So I've got a thing up today at McSweeney's, which is known to be the cream of the crop for that sort of thing, called Dan Savage's Wild Kingdom. (You don't have to be a fan of the world's best sex advice columnist or strange animal mating practices to get it, but it helps.)And in case you're looking for more things to make you smile condescendingly, here are some other doodads of mine they've previously kindly published:

UPDATE: Looks like somebody already wrote a whole book of sex advice for animals years before my McSweeney's thing. There are officially no new ideas left in the world.

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